Everything You've Wanted to Know About Betta Fish

Big fish in a small pond - or little fish in a small container? The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a vibrantly-colored fish often see...

Plants for Betta Fish Tanks bettafishhome

While it is tempting to use plants for betta fish tanks as just a decoration, they serve several important functions. It is important to ch...

Betta Fish Care Guides & Articles Japanese Fighting Fish

Home to Betta Fish Care Japanese Fighting Fish Photo By Aniket Dahotre Welcome to Japanese fighting fish .org. Here we aim to provide you wi...

Betta Laying on Tank Bottom Betta Fish Care

Betta Laying on Tank Bottom Q: B wrote, I have a betta fish that I believe is sick. He is laying on the floor of the tank and eats very litt...

How to Breed Betta Fish Guide to Breeding Betta Fish

Want to learn How to breed betta fish? You would find it exciting. Breeding betta fish requires specific planning and preparation. Bettas c...

Betta Facts and FAQ: Betta Fish Care, Behavior and Tank

About Betta Fish Betta fish are easy to care for, but they have some special tank requirements due to their behaviors. They are colorful fis...

Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care

Betta fish are beautiful. With their vibrant colors and long, flowing tails, betta splendens are though...

Feeding Betta Fish: A Look at Fish Nutrition and Health

Feeding Betta fish should be done carefully in order to make sure they live a full healthy life. In the wild, Betta fish feed on zooplankto...

How to Care for Betta Fish eHow

If you'd like to add an easy-care fish to your home, the colorful betta fish is a good choice. Caring for bettas is relatively easy, and...

Betta Fish Facts - 10 Facts you probably never knew

Betta Fish are beautiful and generally easy to care for if done properly. Heres are 10 Betta Fish Facts you probably never knew: There are a...

Betta Fish Pet Fish eHow

What Does It Mean When Your Betta Fish Sleeps on Its Side? Bettas normally swim actively in captivity. Sometimes, though, bettas may hang mo...
