Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care

Betta fish are beautiful. With their vibrant colors and long, flowing tails, betta splendens are though...

How to Tell if a Betta Fish is Pregnant (with Pictures) eHow

Betta fish are popular pets and are known for their distinct coloration and elaborate displays. Originally from Asia, wild Betta fish live i...

The Ultimate One Page Guide to Betta Fish Care

Pic by Twitter follower @r0beKa Thanks :) This is the ultimate one page betta fish care guide it outlines each important aspect of betta fi...

How to Take Care of a Betta Fish (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Betta fish are only hardy to a particular water type, such as a certain water hardness and pH. Since it takes them a while to acclimate to a...

Betta Fish Types - Tripod

d Reds Solid reds are non iridescent colours and must have the colour spread evenly over the body.  A clean red is desirable, ...

Taking Care of Betta Fish in 10 Steps with Supplies List

Lets cut to the chase because life is short. Ive created this 10 step guide to betta fish care for people to read and properly care for thei...
